Let's say PI=3.14159265358979323846264 The name of this piece is I={..,PI,..} ("Pie in your eye") It is algorithmically generated from a very terse little bit of C code. Basically, the idea is this: * You have a little virtual circular world of unit radius, which consists of all the real numbers in the range [0.0, 2.0 * PI] inclusive. * The world is populated by a maximum number of PI^PI of little travelers having the following attributes: - A lifecycle lasting anywhere from (PI)ms to (PI)s - A triangular amplitude signature, depending upon the traveler's age, in the range 0 - A current velocity, initially equivalent to that of a parent (the ancestor traveller has fixed value), where velocity is limited to the range [1/(PI^PI), 1/(SR/PI)] - Periodic directional force vectors (ie: periodic bursts in opposite directions), where the period is in samples and limited to the ranges PI to PI^PI^PI (Remember, F = ma, and these travellers always weigh 1, therefore F = a), and the acceleration is limited to the range [Vel*0.00001, Vel*0.001] Let the little buggers breed, and listen to the results.